Earth shakes
Worlds collapsing
Thrown into unknowing
We scrabble around in the dark
The same
Worlds are on fire
Worlds are under water
The ice melting
Dark comes

This poem might sound a bit dark, but recently we have been hearing of so much happening in our world and of unprecedented things never know before. It is blamed on global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels. This past few days I have been reading a book entitled Fire Weather. It is about the huge fire
that burned the city of Fort McArthur in Canada down to the ground. It was frigtening to say the least, and even now, wildfires are raging in Canada and also they are happening in many other places. I find it all very frightening and we feel so helpless to do anything about it. We are given ways in which to bring a halt to all of this but as it requires the cooperation of absolutely everyone in the world it really does feel hopeless although measures are being taken to bring a halt to this. I think I Just fear.

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