We have finally, after a huge struggle that took a whole day up in phone calls etc got someone to pick up our ballot papers. They are supposed to be coming late this afternoon. I have never known such a struggle though, and when we first rang our election office, we were told in no uncertain terms that they would not do it for us. The council said that they do not provide such a service. So we kept on ringing the election office and got different people all of the time, until finally someone did admit that they are permitted to do it and that it is thier job. What a struggle. It should not have been so hard and it was only through our utter determination and patience that we got what we needed. Thank goodness but it really should not have been like that.


  1. blindzanygirl

    We were granted a postal vote Sadje and we got the ballot papers which we have filled in with our vote but they are meant to be put into a post or mail box but we cannot leave the house to get to a mail box and so we have been trying to get someone from the council to pick them up for it. Someone is now meant to be coming this evening but it remains to be seen whether they will or not. If not, as with everything else in our lives we will have to keep fighting and struggling. I pray that they stick to their word and come tonight. Thanks Sadje

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  2. blindzanygirl

    sarah we have a postal vote and we receeived the ballot papers which we have already filled in but the problem is that we cannot get to a mail box and my husbamd cannot leave me in the house alone and there is no one will sit with me and dont say anthing about social services. so we have been trying to get someone from the election office to pick up our pars and we have had trouble doing it. however, they have finally said someone is coming tonight but for a long time they said they were not allowed to do it. we will see if they arrive this evening x


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