
For the daily writing prompt we are asked which season of the year we like best.

I always used to love the Spring and would spend the whole of winter looking forwards to and longing for the Spring. It was what kept me going through the winter. The promise of Spring and the first snowdrops and then all the beautiful Spring flowers. Spring had such a hopeful feel about it but always, it seemed to be over so quicly and too soon. No sooner had it started than it had gone again.

I have now changed and my favourite season is winter. I have had a complete turnaround. This is because I can no longer see and the thoughts of all those beautiful Spring flowers that I cannot see fills me with grief. However, it is not the only reason that I like the winter. I like it because you can actually FEEL it. So what I cannot see, I can feel. Like the cold. Hear and feel the wind. Imagine the ice on the windows and see in my imagination as I feel the cold slapping my face, the silvery frost on the ground. Since going blind I have relied on my other senses and somehow or other the winter keys into those senses much more than the Spring does. It makes me feel ALIVE whilst so often I feel dead. I used to hate the long dark nights but now I welcome them and I kind of wrap myself in them like a cocoon. A place of safety and warmth. This may sound rather odd to anyone who is not blind, but this is how it is and it makes me wonder a lot. I would never have experienced this if I had not gone blind.

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