*TRIGGER WARNING – Poem about being preyed upon to make you agree to having assisted suicide

They creep up on
My exhausted spirit,
The words “assisted suicide”,
Put there
By those
Who say you are a huge burden,
A drain on family,
“It’s your duty
To go.

We can’t
Care for you now,
You are too much for us,
It’s only right that you should go,
Go now,
We will take you to that good place,
Soon it will be over,
Suffer no more
My dear.”

“Your words
Confuse me so,
My mind can’t take it in,
My pain is great, yet still I want
To fight.
Give me
The chance to live despite the pain,
It’s MY life still to live,
Not yours to take,
Hear me.”

Your words are dear,
Can’t you think of us now?
You are so self-willed, and stubborn,
Of yourself. Now is the time to
Let go and die in peace,
While we rock you

We can’t
Manage any
More. You wear us all out,
And even if you live what sort
Of life
Would you
Have? Not the life you used to know,
Listen, it makes good sense,
It’s best for us
All now.

You know
We’ll help you, be
There at the end, playing
Quiet music, peaceful it will
Be. No
More pain,
You’ll just slip away, it won’t take
Long. The end will come, then
You will be free,
At rest.”

My voice
Comes weakly, “Please
Don’t pressure me, at least
Give me the chance. I want to live,
And yet
I know
I’m a burden, too great for you
To bear, I know that i
Must go, help me
To die.”

Lorraine Lewis.

17 thoughts on “*TRIGGER WARNING – Poem about being preyed upon to make you agree to having assisted suicide

  1. my dear dear friend. you know how I feel. I know you know.

    my mum battled ALS for 5 years as her body shut down little by little over time. we had to make the decision to turn off the life-support. that is why I know you know how I feel. I can never know how you and mum feel but I have experienced the years of agony and my own mother’s wish to not go on suffering. it was and remains harrowing. mum slipped into a coma and her brain function had suffered tremendously and it was the machines keeping her ‘alive’. the most difficult decision of my life. hugs my dear dear friend. warm warm hugs. and not pity nor sympathy. never pity or sympathy. just have experienced it. which is why this piece literally moves me to tears. literally. hugs my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. blindzanygirl

    Afzal, thankyou for telling me that. I made a comment telling you who it was who tried to get me to agree to this, but then trashed it because I oribably shoukd not have recpvealedbthat publicly. It happened to me during my cancer. Someone tried to get me to go to Switzerland where it is legal. It is in our News today becayse a man dued in Switzerland this morning, from England, and it has hut our News. There are many sudes to thus qyestion.

    I am si very very very sorry about your mum Afzal, and your experience. I have no wirds. Just total empathy.

    God bless you dear Adzal. May I send you a loving hug please?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My dear Lorraine, I have no words. Perhaps we “feel” each other and that is enough.

    Switzerland yes, in the news.

    I am so fortunate, and as are all around you that you did not go to Switzerland that time. You live and breathe with me and all those close to you.

    Thank YOU, dear Lorraine and I gratefully embraced your hug and send you many warm hugs back.

    Lots of love dear friend


  4. blindzanygirl

    Thankyou so much Rajini, and thankyou for being brave enough to read it and comment. Bthis is very much appreciated. The poem is meant to demonstrate the way in which pressure can be exerted on very sick and vulnerable people to take this particular route. Thankyou again.

    Liked by 1 person

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