Today I have been engaged in writing my second book. I changed what I was going to write about and various things made me think that it would be far better to write about my journey into cancer and blindness. Though it is a harrowing story, I feel there may be those who relate in some way to it. So if it makes anyone else feel less lonely it will be worthwhile. I have called it β€œThe Long Night, My Journey into Cancer and Blindness.” So far I have written four chapters but my problem is editing. I cannot afford to pay an editor so my husband is doing his best. With being blind I cannot edit. That is a most important part of the process. So I feel quite frustrated.

This morning I awoke feeling so much that I have nothing of worth to offer anyone and I had to pull myself out of depression again. I have this struggle every morning, as I struggle just to get to the bathroom and do the simple ordinary things that everyone does. I have to come and lie down about three times during the process with heart pounding and struggling to breathe. It is as it is. I am told that this cannot be helped any more than it already has been. The damage has come from the chemo and it affected my lungs very badly and that is that.

In my new book I face matters of life and death head on, and am very honest in my feelings and struggles. There are funny bits in it also. I have a goal. To get it out there by Christmas, but I am not sure if I will achieve that.

I want to leave behind me something of value but do not know if this will be or not. I just have to hope.

29 thoughts on “WRITING

  1. Pingback: Editing Help: A Request From Me | beetleypete

  2. Your book will be a source of inspiration to others who have seemingly insurmountable problems. You will get it done. If not for Christmas, for next year. I for one am interested to read your story.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have some experience editing/beta reading. In your case I would have to dial back my usual tendency to be blunt and simply clean up the document. I am not a grammar Nazi but if you would like that checked, among other writing issues I have Pro Writing Aid and can run any kind of report on your document you wish. However, I will stress, again, that in your case content and point is not my business, so anything I suggest will be simple mechanics, typos etc. and let your story tell itself. Let me know if I can help.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi, Lorraine – – I am also legally blind, but I have some vision. I’ve been this way all my life, but I can understand your frustration. I have some resources that might be able to help. But I’m not sure if I should leave them here because if I put a lot of links in a comment field in WordPress, it might think my comment is spam and not publish it. So, if you are interested, please click on the link to my blog above, and you’ll find a contact form you can use to email me. Good luck with your book. It sounds like an intriguing story.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. blindzanygirl

    Hi Phil, thanks for your kind offer. If I decided to go ahead with you, how would we work it? I have done 4 chapters of the book already and the main problem may be typos and occasionally sentence construction with being blind. I realise that this is time consuming, and so you are very good to offer this to me. Many thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I would also be glad to help in any way that Phil can’t. I had the delight of working on many papers with another blogger a couple of years back and a book from another. I am a retired English professor and would be glad to tackle overall organization and content. (for free of course.)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. You’re welcome. This isn’t fiction, or historical, or academic but memoir territory, so “rules” for storytelling and research etc. are out the window. You need to sound like you, cleaned up for presentation. All you need is error correction and to make sure everything moves logically. Disease is a linear event so I doubt you’d be writing any elliptical prose. I started at a point, this (stuff) happened and now I’m here.


  8. Hi Lorraine, You are a really strong person. Chemo has its own issues. Just eat a lot! That is the key to reduce the bad effects.
    As for the book, I can offer help with fixing grammar if that is what you need. However, I will be able to deal with nearly 700-800 words a day since I am a working mother. If you wish to accept my offer, please mail me at shailygrwl@gmail.com (service free of charges πŸ˜ƒ)

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  9. I haven’t published anything for a while, and I don’t know if any of the editors I used at the time are still in the business, but I will share this and hope you can get some help. Your story will be inspiring for many people, and it should be told. Keep going, Lorraine.

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