After what happened last night, as described in an earlier post, I am getting by only hour by hour. As many of you know, my mother tried to kill me and she also got rid of my babies which were not conceived out of marriage so that was not the reason. She is gone now. She died in 2019, and the anniversary of her death is coming up soon. My family rejected me finally and totally when I became wheelchair bound and blind. Although my sister started ringing recently. We have now blocked her. She only wants to cause trouble and was well trained by my mother. She now does my mother’s work. After yesterday, i imagine going out to the places that I loved. I love nature but can no longer get into it. It is so hard for me to get to the car and on may days I am simply not well enough but I think of those places often. Today I have been thinking and realising that there are so many directions from our town in which I cannot go for bad memories. I do not want to ge anywhere near where my brother lives or onto the country roads outside our town that would lead me there. There are other directions that I cannot go in either. I am feeling the pain of everything so acutely right now. I am trying to live in nicer places. I am trying to post in here and have done a couple of challenges, and will try to do some more. I am so thankful for this place because it gets me through coming in here and writing. Writing is my life and I had started to write a book about my monster mother but I do not think I can do it today. The memories now are just too painful. My sister is someone you would not like to meet and my mother was exactly the same when she was alive. When I had cancer and was almost dying I held my arms out to my mother, needing her so badly, but she turned towards my brohter and pursed her lips and said “Ugh.” I could hardly believe it. She wanted to take me to Switzerland for euthansia. Of course that did not happen though she told me it was my duty to my family to go there. I shiver when I think of it because she followed that up with saying that if I did not go she would bring some tablets and shove them down my throat. That was my mother. Awful. I will get through but only with a lot of effort. It is hard right now.

Link to earlier post


18 thoughts on “GETTING BY HOUR BY HOUR

  1. Hugs Lorraine. It’s been very hard for you for a long time and as hard as it is, you have took courage to block your sister. You don’t need further toxicity in your life.
    Hugs to you. X

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jesus Lorraine, she’s a monster! Imagine doing that, let alone saying that to your child, your own flesh and blood! I love you and am so glad your still here with us, write in here as much as you need to, that is what I am doing too to get me through the tough times.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is helpful to write but when the memories are so painful you can only do it a little at a time or it could overwhelm you. With the anniversary being so close, you are too vulnerable. I feel for you and the terrible position you are in. I so hope someone will be able to help.

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  4. Some people are just vile. Ultimately they are the ones who will suffer for it but it doesn’t lessen or ease the pain they cause. Death threats are horrible, and always hurt no matter who they come from. I understand how that feels but i won’t say why. I’m not brave like you. I am glad you are here and they are not – I won’t honour them with the title you gave them as I don’t think they deserve it. Stay strong my lovely.

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  5. blindzanygirl

    Jezz I am so sorry that you understand about death threats. I am late in getting back to you but I read these words yesterday when everything was so terrible for me, and they made me cry because they touched me so deeply. You really helped me so much.yes my mother was a monster and there is no getting away from it. Bless you Jezz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. blindzanygirl

    I love you too Carol Anne and she was definitely a monster. I am reading everything you are writing on your blog xx


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